Two years ago, saying that extreme weather was caused by global warming was a controversial position. So was saying that inflation was caused by corporate greed. Now, they are common opinions. This post below from two years ago reminds us that we have to pick arguments to set the agenda and reframe the debate!
As usual, this is great. I like to listen to The Bulwark (as an AOC progressive), and on a recent Podcast with Laura Barron-Lopez, from PBS Newshour, they touched on how good the GOP is at messaging:
and that were the shoe on the other foot, the GOP mediasphere would be 24/7 about Alito (and Clarence). I wonder how we should be framing and beating the horse incessantly on Alito and flags and godliness, and Clarence and bribes.
We want people to think that Alito and Thomas are political hacks posing as judges in the highest court in the land.
"People say that Alito is just a partisan hack posing as a SC judge. Does his flying the insurrectionist flags show he's biased toward conservatives and Christian nationalism?"
"People say that Thomas has been taking bribes for years. Does those millions in gifts from a conservative billionaire affect his rulings, especially in cases that involve his benefactor?"
Great points! But if we do as you say, which we should, we'd better know enough about the subject so we can be well-prepared to combat & refute arguments they may pose with hard evidence & sound reasoning. That is our challenge, and we should be up to it.
I have spent the last 20 years watching the Dems get pwned by their own competency - the classic debate between the policy wonk and the amatuer sloganeer.
When I bring up an issue, my friends (small town, everyone is your friend, or friend of a friend) just don't want to talk about it at all. This is a blue county in a blue state, but startling numbers are turning red due to propaganda due to russian hacking of our internet. They ONLY see propaganda, and can't get real info.
This is made worse by the fact that almost all progressive sources, across all media, HAVE PAYWALLS (and not cheap ones at that), while ALL, and I mean ALL, forms of MAGA information are FREE or essentially so. So the people who are most impacted are the least educated, lower-waged. If I could have one wish this election season, it would be that ALL progressive media would be free to everyone. I mean, come on, there's certainly plenty of ads!
I can't say this to @JoyceVance (I'm a senior w limited funds), but what we really need for your idea and hers is a 1-pg double-sided Summary of Proj 2025 that we can hand out on the street or put in mailboxes!
I've now read Chs 1 + 5 of (Trump Dumpster Fire) and I suspect there is a lot of phraseology to be mined for your Audacity Events from this series, if you can stomach the wading through the crassness.
Can we quit calling them Conservatives? They are tearing down everything and the word implies that they are stable whereas they are promoting radical violent destruction of our Government, Democracy, the Constitution and our Freedoms. This is not Conservative. Authoritarian is better. Billionaire Boys Clubbers is good. Wannabe Fascists works. But Christofascists is the best as it unites the 2 main branches of the greed induced Wealthy who are bringing back the Confederacy.
Not even that, since Proj 2025 hit the web. However, it does seem to be the IMPRESSION they want real conservatives to have. More than 80% of conservatives and independents have never even heard of it.
As usual, this is great. I like to listen to The Bulwark (as an AOC progressive), and on a recent Podcast with Laura Barron-Lopez, from PBS Newshour, they touched on how good the GOP is at messaging:
and that were the shoe on the other foot, the GOP mediasphere would be 24/7 about Alito (and Clarence). I wonder how we should be framing and beating the horse incessantly on Alito and flags and godliness, and Clarence and bribes.
We want people to think that Alito and Thomas are political hacks posing as judges in the highest court in the land.
"People say that Alito is just a partisan hack posing as a SC judge. Does his flying the insurrectionist flags show he's biased toward conservatives and Christian nationalism?"
"People say that Thomas has been taking bribes for years. Does those millions in gifts from a conservative billionaire affect his rulings, especially in cases that involve his benefactor?"
Great points! But if we do as you say, which we should, we'd better know enough about the subject so we can be well-prepared to combat & refute arguments they may pose with hard evidence & sound reasoning. That is our challenge, and we should be up to it.
I have spent the last 20 years watching the Dems get pwned by their own competency - the classic debate between the policy wonk and the amatuer sloganeer.
When I bring up an issue, my friends (small town, everyone is your friend, or friend of a friend) just don't want to talk about it at all. This is a blue county in a blue state, but startling numbers are turning red due to propaganda due to russian hacking of our internet. They ONLY see propaganda, and can't get real info.
This is made worse by the fact that almost all progressive sources, across all media, HAVE PAYWALLS (and not cheap ones at that), while ALL, and I mean ALL, forms of MAGA information are FREE or essentially so. So the people who are most impacted are the least educated, lower-waged. If I could have one wish this election season, it would be that ALL progressive media would be free to everyone. I mean, come on, there's certainly plenty of ads!
I can't say this to @JoyceVance (I'm a senior w limited funds), but what we really need for your idea and hers is a 1-pg double-sided Summary of Proj 2025 that we can hand out on the street or put in mailboxes!
I've now read Chs 1 + 5 of (Trump Dumpster Fire) and I suspect there is a lot of phraseology to be mined for your Audacity Events from this series, if you can stomach the wading through the crassness.
Great post! Thank you.
We don't have to trigger Conservatives.
They're scared of EVERYTHING.
Including their own shadows.
🐔 🐔🐔🐔
Can we quit calling them Conservatives? They are tearing down everything and the word implies that they are stable whereas they are promoting radical violent destruction of our Government, Democracy, the Constitution and our Freedoms. This is not Conservative. Authoritarian is better. Billionaire Boys Clubbers is good. Wannabe Fascists works. But Christofascists is the best as it unites the 2 main branches of the greed induced Wealthy who are bringing back the Confederacy.
As I see it, the only thing they are trying to conserve is the status quo!
Not even that, since Proj 2025 hit the web. However, it does seem to be the IMPRESSION they want real conservatives to have. More than 80% of conservatives and independents have never even heard of it.
Same Hitler Face. Spewing hate is all they know.
This is a winner. Can you provide some more examples of the triggering technique?
‘Oligarchs Aligned with Autocrats Know Global Warming Is Real, and They’re Doing a Resources Grab While We All Fight Each Other’ -
I just tried to register for the event and it said "sales ended?"
Sorry! That was from the original post and I forgot to delete it! There will be sessions coming up in July!
It's July!