I agree with you wholeheartedly, that Joe’s empathy, and populism, his very persona… Am I the only one in shock? (of course not. I just have to say that.) I was embedded in conversation in the comment section of TC in LA remarking that he thought the big donors were beginning to see some error in their push that he drop out. Then I saw my email inbox and thought it was spam, inviting me to thank Joe for his service

Well, for starters, we’re kind of in the middle of things and somehow sending a thank you card has a sense of finality I’m not ready to support. I mean… we want to keep this simple but must admit it’s complicated. Watchful for your column and thank you for it. I just had to say this.

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Thank you. I feel like I am floating out in the ocean on a very rickety raft!

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I’m sure you’re not alone, but I’m glad you wrote what you wrote. Listening to an emergency live session of Mary Trump‘s nerd brigade really helped me shift energy to the positivity of a strong Kamala candidacy: Black, female, former prosecutor (a very effective one)… Talk about striking fear in DJT … I believe we will find our sea legs and the sooner the better.

This is really far out, but I turn 80 in a week and I have trouble believing that. I was married to one of the most amazing Black princes of a man one could ever meet. (He passed 18 months ago after a stroke.) We’ve been legal guardian of one of four grandkids in order to support the life success they deserve. (He just turned 18, headed to college and grateful for his ongoing chance to become who he’s really meant to be.)

It’s so weird that I tell people my ultimate ambition is to become a beach bum. Maybe it’s because my mom knew about sun damage, melanoma and so forth way back in the ‘50s and would not let me go to the beach while in gym class everybody else was the consummate beach babe, gorgeous tan, the works.

But there’s a story I love that I’ll post as a link. I have no claim to fame so my journey would not parallel the story, but I love it. See what you think. I think my inspiration to include it here is to show in some respects that anything’s possible.

Still catching my breath thinking of the dignity and effectiveness and statesmanship of Joe Biden… Talk about a legacy! And he picked Kamala as his running mate…! Wow… are we living in an historic timeline or what???!!!

Someone just pointed out that he can go full out progressive because the Supreme Court has granted him immunity so he has nothing to lose, has four months to wrap things up with a bang! What a timeline we are living.

Here’s the story. It fits my beach bum aspiration. After all… You meet somebody and in that moment you don’t know who you’re really talking to.

Old Man and a Bucket of Shrimp | Rotary e-Club of Houston


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Just occurred to me… You mention feeling as if you’re on a rickety raft… That must be what jogged my thought to share the link.

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What a great story! BTW - I too have a secret life long ambition to be a beach bum!

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Love it! May all your dreams come true. Jiminy Cricket said something about that, right?

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It is a strange time and I agree that doubling down on Biden's empathy and exonomic populism is the way to go...just who does this best... I don't have a lot of faith in voters, so I am concerned. I do hope the Democratic Party responds quickly and well. We have a lot of talent to choose from.

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Thanks Mickey, hope you are doing well. Miss seeing you! We need to get the Dems away from the media cameras and focused on uniting our voters. Our Democracy depends on it.

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I am with you in being heart-broken that Biden has been forced to step down after doing such a great job in so many ways. I hope that dems will unite and follow Biden's endorsement for Harris who I believe will continue most of his progressive policies.

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A modest request. Antonia, can you share a top ten list of framing ideas for VP Harris-today. I believe Harris has some strengths and weaknesses that need to be formed up, before being using againts. For example, ny tonite, the Trump/MAGA crowd will be offering multiple tropes to define her. Many of us know what will be said against VP Harris --the border and immigration for sure.

I don't have inside info if the Biden team is still holding its breath, but based on past weak messaging strategy by the Biden team, I look forward to your input to help prod and direct them to come out early with framing and messaging.

Whatever the new team will be advising on framing and messaging, it can't be the one that did pre-debate preparation or lack of national, unified response on the Immunity Court case.

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I most certainly will. Stay tuned...

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https://youtu.be/eYKi0_nlIfQ?si=RbWk6f7ef1divK4q is a really interesting take on this. If Biden isn’t fit to run arguably he’s not fit to govern and he would step aside making Harris Pres. She then becomes the incumbent with all of its electoral advantages. If people say America isn’t ready for a Black woman POTUS, we can say, well we now have one, duly appointed via the 25th A and the sky isn’t falling. Then she marches on to defeat Christian Nationalism and fascism. And her campaign is to continue Bidenism to make a more perfect Union. She’ll need an Andy Bashear-like running mate. A Joe Biden for the 21st c. Needs to be a regular WASP straight man with working class roots.

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During this whole, 'he must step down from his campaign' fiasco, I was thinking the same. If he is so unfit to run, why is he okay to be President now? This whole anti-ageism push smells rotten, and I sure hope this minority group of Dems and the media that pushed this to happen, have a plan to win in November because the other side will kill our Democracy in a heartbeat.

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Agree. One of things I so hate about punditry is this presumption that they know voters. “American voters aren’t ready for Black woman or such an old president.” How the eff do they know? They read the same polling “data” we see; they read each other. They’re not out there canvassing like so many volunteers have been doing. They’re not really talking to the American people. People like AOC don’t claim that either other than her own constituents which is her job. Instead she’ll tell us what’s being said behind closed doors amping the donor class and other officials. About their intentions. Again- real data on which pundits do not base any of their pronouncements. SMH.

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