This was a great post and a great reminder of the contrast between these two candidates. Thanks for writing this.

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Jun 28Liked by Antonia Scatton

Post Bombed Debate

This is directed to those who may feel dismay and those who still have hope following the debate. For those who say, “we’ve lost” or “Biden cannot stay in the race,” I hope that you will hold on a little longer. I am sorry your hope was so easily dashed. To those who are hanging on I say, it is not our hope that will keep D. J. Trump out of the presidency, it is our strength. Nobody says that this monumental campaign is going to run smoothly with no bumps in the road. President Biden, after multiple trips around the world, with a cold and a week of being subjected to his campaign staffers’ angst and push on debate issues, came and underperformed. This is one debate. Other presidents have bombed in a debate and went on to win their races. Take a breath and relax.

We all grow older; it is the human condition. It does not make us less effective in our decision making, it just takes a little more time. Biden’s decision-making strength comes from his weighing the numbers, the effects on people and our economy, and a multitude of other things. When asked a question he processes a lot, and processing and verbalizing in a two-minute window is a challenge for anyone, especially for an older individual.

Spewing lies is a much easier task. Which was done, as expected, but with no pushback from the moderators, other than a three time repeat of original, unanswered questions, by Diana Bash. I refuse to go into the fact checking Trump in this comment, I’ll leave that to the professionals.

Remember what a dark hole we are viewing in Trump’s Project 2025 plan. I plan to work for the elections of Biden and Harris, and every clear-thinking Democrat up and down the ballot. I accept the bombed debate outcome of this one debate and will move forward, as I sincerely hope all of you will as well.

NOTE: In the next debate, if it happens, I think that the inclusion of notes, on cards or paper, and a three-minute response time would be helpful. While muting the mic was a well-intended addition, it did not mute a debater from making himself be heard on the stage. This was unfortunate, particularly when someone was spewing lies, although it did make the audience’s listening atmosphere calmer.

I am posting this everywhere I go. Have a good day.

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I agree the setting favored Trump. The non insistence that Trump be silenced if he did not answer moderators questions, talking with mic cut off, etc and infinitum.

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Staff, consultants.. party apparatus and D public officials also failed Biden.

Staff and D leaders need to be held accountable after failures in ongoing messaging, recruitment of surrogates and new leaders.

Trump said and did nothing —that was surprising. R party orchestrated predictable pre-and post-debate responses. Who did not think Trump would lie, demean, project faults onto Biden, take credit for Biden or Obama successes?

As people wring their hands over to be or not to be (go with Biden or not), D party and staff have to change. They have been failing Biden, the D Party and the nation since before 2016. Successes at state levels elections and referenda have provided cover for the gross negligence and political malfeasance of the consultants and party leaders.

What were they thinking and doing to agree to a debate without notes?

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Jun 28Liked by Antonia Scatton

Loud and proud-the only way out is through! Let’s fight harder and not back down! Thanks for writing this memo of what we stand for!

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Jun 28Liked by Antonia Scatton

Thank you Antonia! You confirmed for me, a lot of the thoughts I had as it was happening (while I was hiding from supervisors at work), and additional thoughts that didn’t occur to me.

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Jun 29Liked by Antonia Scatton

One thought that came to mind after reading this post is the unhealthiness of the relationship Democrats have with elite media. We are so damn dependent on their approval and they take advantage of that vulnerability to manipulate our feelings mercilessly — to make the horserace more exciting or whatever.

The alternative approach you suggest is very liberating. We’re going to move forward with our (very fact-based) beliefs and goals and not drop everything and panic just because that’s what the New York Times tells us to do. We need to stop playing the victim role that the inside-the-Beltway parlor games assign to us. No, we need to take control and empower ourselves as the dominant actors shaping the story that we believe is right and that we want to see in the world.

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There was a night at Valley Forge when some people were discouraged.

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The New Supremes.

(found in a bottle on a beach,

It's just dribble.)

We won't do you any favors

We don't work that way

But if our judgement pleases

Next week's ok,

For you to pay


We're not mind readers

But we can catch a drift

Just throw it our way

Then watch the sudden shift,

To the distant right


We're only human

But make no mistake

We make things legal

Whether true or fake,

Or whatever we say


Thank you Mitch McConnell

You called the tune

Those original lyrics

Oh what a boon,

To the ones that count


No Federal regulations

That's so old hat

The Constitution's our playground

No arguing that,

Go stuff yourself.


We're only human

But make no mistake

We make things legal

Whether true or fake,

Or whatever we say


We put the con in Constitution.

Anonymous fer shure.


I'm going to try for three.

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Jun 28Liked by Antonia Scatton

Thanks, Antonia! This was necessary to hear. And it’s so great to know he was fired up today at his rally and was the Joe we need to see. 💙

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Jun 28Liked by Antonia Scatton

Thank you for this post - I love it! We needed to hear this today.

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Jun 28Liked by Antonia Scatton

Unfortunately, Joe fell into the Gish Galloper trap.


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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Antonia Scatton

Thank you. I've been wondering about how to deal with his non-stop lying with framing. As others have said, one way is to use the Reaganesque, "There you go again" taunt. "There you go again spewing out lies! Just can't help it, can you?" Or, what if Joe starts a conversation with just the moderators, "Guys, guys: you're not bothering to fact check in real time, too much to deal with eh? I think he has a problem- sure seems like it doesn't?" basically talk about him behind his back in front of his nose. Then proceed to message to the American people as he likes. Or what if he frames his mendacity as a weakness that he can't help. "The man is lying all the time. I'm afraid he really can't tell the difference between the truth and lies. Can you imagine him negotiating with President Xi, or Putin? How will he know if he's being told the truth or not? He can't tell! Wouldn't be safe for our country." This way, it doesn't speak to his intentions; but rather casts his lying as a sign of the lack of an important skill or ability, a mental deficit. That his incessant lying is an issue of basic competence.

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THANK YOU, Antonia, for this. We need to do better. All the headlines I've seen today are about how Biden didn't perform well last night, and nothing about the lies coming from the Convicted Felon.

The format was ridiculous from the start, and it didn't benefit Biden. So we need to shake off what happened last night and remind people what is at stake.

The GOP is TOTALLY fine with a convicted felon, r*pist, who stole classified documents as their candidate. Nobody is asking him to step down.

We have to rally around our candidate, the only one who is fighting for every person in this country, whether they support him or not.

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Trump doesn't debate. His base doesn't want a debate. His remarks should be ignored.

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Thank you. The altered headline made the point so clearly. I made a screenshot and will tweet it a lot (with attribution of course.)

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Here's the link to the Facebook post. Let's see if they try to pull this one!


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I'm not sure that will work, but it's worth a try! I changed the image and will try to share it again from my Facebook page.

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Thank you! It worked.

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Tried to share this on Facebook but they took it down. Maybe they are refusing all Substack shares now but it was so disappointing. Oh how I wish we had done this.

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I had the same problem. I think it is the image. It is an altered headline. Let me try swapping it out with a different image.

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