Antonia, thanks and a great call out. I believe Democrats could be less "nice," and simply say what they mean. For example, I wrote about the role of anger in climate messaging addressing this. There is tested evidence that anger can be a catalyst for action. We tend to shy away from anger afraid that we will offend, but unless we are pissing off 20% of the electorate our message is too milquetoast. This is what happens when we follow the polls.
There's another benefit of directness and anger. It supports social proof and social pressure. We tend to change our opinions and wiring based on what others around us say. Bernie says what he thinks whether its popular or not. Hillary, not so much.
Thank you for speaking the truth so eloquently. It breaks my heart to see Democrats arrogantly ignoring the people of red states as they machinate and plot in DC.
I witnessed the leadership we need here in Texas, but the Democratic Party blithely wrote it off as tilting at windmills. Beto O'Rourke had so much success in rallying Texans to his side. But, polls, studies, consultants and dare I say it, class snobbery told the Democratic Party to just hang back because Texas was hopelessly red. Beto was punching through, but they did not have his back. Democrats did not capitalize on his progress.
After that loss, Republicans immediately made it their mission to discredit Beto and all Democrats. There is a reason MAGA rules Texas with an iron fist. They recognize the threat of Democratic leadership arousing the people. But Democrats just leave them to their work and plot their plots about a 'Blue Wall'.
What would the world be like today if Democrats had contested Texas? What if people saw that things don't have to be the way Texas Republicans say?
You are one of my new favorite people! Love your thinking...we need to get you on Meidas Touch!
Just looking for clarification. You said words like Govt shutdown usually makes (shoot can't go back and reference article while writing this) people see the govt more positive? I'll assuming because they then realize we need govt?
Antonia has diagnosed the problem. Building upon her words, I argue there are some potential national leaders; which is demonstrated in the rise of some new faces, and some old faces, with new voices (Chris Murphy). And some new faces, like AOC, who is showing how a progressive can adjust and adapt, without losing values. When Bernie Sanders gets huge crowds in Omaha and Iowa City, that is great, except there are not enough Bernies' to go around. (and I was not a Bernie supporter, in case you are wondering). But he has adapted too and is a great spokesperson for the opposition.
However, as a group, the D party has a vacuum. State-level Democrats and other opposition leaders will need to step up. There is nothing to prevent state legislators from holding hearings/forums in red states on how federal cuts are hurting people in their area. The DNC could have organized this, or blessed this.. Until they do, leaders are rising up. Historically, the DNC will push back on these new efforts/leaders-- this often happens in institutions.
We can push our local officials, Dem's, or otherwise, and advocacy group leaders to hold forums on the impact on their daily lives. This idea was offered to Biden/Harris and the DNC last year, but DNC thought it was too radical:)
I think everyone who reads this should take a quote out of this, paste it in meidas touch comments along with link to article. We need to get you on Meidas Touch.
Also, if you go to Meidas Touch web page...they have contact info? Wouldn't hurt to try to contact them?
Thanks so much for your insightful work! I am gaining new neural pathways about the kind of overarching language shift we need to take back the debate.
In the vein of defending government, I wonder how much we hurt ourselves when leftists say things like "what we really need is the revolution" and "no ethical consumption under capitalism" and "burn it to the ground" and other throwing our hands up, baby out with the bathwater kind of sentiments. I definitely FEEL that way sometimes but it seems like these kind of defeatist statements prevent us from communicating "and ALSO in the meantime let's use the tools we have to protect ourselves and provide for folks."
Thank you Antonia for your clarity and insight- you are absolutely right!
Antonia, thanks and a great call out. I believe Democrats could be less "nice," and simply say what they mean. For example, I wrote about the role of anger in climate messaging addressing this. There is tested evidence that anger can be a catalyst for action. We tend to shy away from anger afraid that we will offend, but unless we are pissing off 20% of the electorate our message is too milquetoast. This is what happens when we follow the polls.
There's another benefit of directness and anger. It supports social proof and social pressure. We tend to change our opinions and wiring based on what others around us say. Bernie says what he thinks whether its popular or not. Hillary, not so much.
Thanks again.
Thank you for speaking the truth so eloquently. It breaks my heart to see Democrats arrogantly ignoring the people of red states as they machinate and plot in DC.
I witnessed the leadership we need here in Texas, but the Democratic Party blithely wrote it off as tilting at windmills. Beto O'Rourke had so much success in rallying Texans to his side. But, polls, studies, consultants and dare I say it, class snobbery told the Democratic Party to just hang back because Texas was hopelessly red. Beto was punching through, but they did not have his back. Democrats did not capitalize on his progress.
After that loss, Republicans immediately made it their mission to discredit Beto and all Democrats. There is a reason MAGA rules Texas with an iron fist. They recognize the threat of Democratic leadership arousing the people. But Democrats just leave them to their work and plot their plots about a 'Blue Wall'.
What would the world be like today if Democrats had contested Texas? What if people saw that things don't have to be the way Texas Republicans say?
The GOP sends all their elected persons a talking points list on the daily. Where is ours? If you write it I will send it.
Working on it! There are some here:
You are one of my new favorite people! Love your thinking...we need to get you on Meidas Touch!
Just looking for clarification. You said words like Govt shutdown usually makes (shoot can't go back and reference article while writing this) people see the govt more positive? I'll assuming because they then realize we need govt?
As soon as people realize what's being taken away, they flip out! Happens every time!
Thank you for this. A breath of fresh air. Let's fill our lungs with it!
Antonia has diagnosed the problem. Building upon her words, I argue there are some potential national leaders; which is demonstrated in the rise of some new faces, and some old faces, with new voices (Chris Murphy). And some new faces, like AOC, who is showing how a progressive can adjust and adapt, without losing values. When Bernie Sanders gets huge crowds in Omaha and Iowa City, that is great, except there are not enough Bernies' to go around. (and I was not a Bernie supporter, in case you are wondering). But he has adapted too and is a great spokesperson for the opposition.
However, as a group, the D party has a vacuum. State-level Democrats and other opposition leaders will need to step up. There is nothing to prevent state legislators from holding hearings/forums in red states on how federal cuts are hurting people in their area. The DNC could have organized this, or blessed this.. Until they do, leaders are rising up. Historically, the DNC will push back on these new efforts/leaders-- this often happens in institutions.
We can push our local officials, Dem's, or otherwise, and advocacy group leaders to hold forums on the impact on their daily lives. This idea was offered to Biden/Harris and the DNC last year, but DNC thought it was too radical:)
In other words ... stop running against Trump and start running on doing things voters want.
Yes certainly use antagonism to trump to the fullest but there has to be more than that to vote Democrat.
Anyone can run against Trump. You have other believe in something to run 'for' it.
Well said and spot on
Thank you! This is great 🙏🏼
I think everyone who reads this should take a quote out of this, paste it in meidas touch comments along with link to article. We need to get you on Meidas Touch.
Also, if you go to Meidas Touch web page...they have contact info? Wouldn't hurt to try to contact them?
Thanks so much for your insightful work! I am gaining new neural pathways about the kind of overarching language shift we need to take back the debate.
In the vein of defending government, I wonder how much we hurt ourselves when leftists say things like "what we really need is the revolution" and "no ethical consumption under capitalism" and "burn it to the ground" and other throwing our hands up, baby out with the bathwater kind of sentiments. I definitely FEEL that way sometimes but it seems like these kind of defeatist statements prevent us from communicating "and ALSO in the meantime let's use the tools we have to protect ourselves and provide for folks."
Oh yeah, definitely. I love the "baby out with the bathwater" description. It definitely does not help!