Amen, sister! I was just saying that in the first quarter of 2023 in this new LD27 w need to build our LD and send out invites to "get togethers" in area parks with a BIG banner that says somthing thing like: Democrats are here for YOU, for Our World that we Love, Our community that is safe, Our Kids that are our future, Our neighbors that matter to us. We are here for YOU!

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Love your newsletter this week! We are demoralizing and burning out our base and volunteers by over using data and not bringing the human elements to campaigning. We need joy, imagination, and empathy in our movement of we want to sustain it. Thank you for outlining this so well.

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Antonia! We would love to have you on Network NOVA's Friday Power Lunch to do a segment on how to cure Political Burnout - we were discussing this on our show and making sure we keep the positive vibe going. We noted the media's role in spreading the false narratives as well - it was getting in people's bodies and spirits - if you are interested, please let us know and we will get the conversation going. Our email is networkvirginia@email.com or katherineAgWhite64@gmail.com. Cheers!

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Love this!

It brings a missing frame to my mind:

"Relentlessly negative emails" => We need a frame and label for this, and to build habits in our movement to demand Right now, I can't write an organization that sends me "relentlessly negative emails" and quickly ask them to please follow the #Energizing guidelines for fundraising and not be #RelentlesslyNegative because there are no such guidelines.

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“We need to hopemonger”!! I hope I can remember this phrase from this moment, onward. It’s wonderful.

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Always up beat and on the #ProEmpathyMessage. I am always cross-sharing with my "ProEmpathy Voters are the solution" subscribers. I hope other #ProEmpathy Substack writers will do the same.

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Thank you!

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You're welcome. The conversation will continue. In addition to framing Democrats as committed to protecting and empowering strong, diverse communities of nurturing families that care for each other AND raise up nurturers as the ideal America, we should do more. Don't we want to frame the ideal human being in the same way? Don't we need everyone committed to the same ideal, if we are to survive as a species? If our so-called political opponents were committed to the same ideal, wouldn't our collaborative work be easier?

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