
Wow, you sound like somebody trained by Charlie Kirk and Chris Rufo to search the web for random mentions of gender identity, and pretend to attack from the LEFT, while really spreading a bunch of right wing disinformation! Am I right? Or are you working for a global interest seeking to divide the American Left? Readers, take note of this technique. Learn how to identify it! Then block anyone who does it!

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

I think there’s a chance the “Randal” commenter here does not understand the legacy of our Founding Parents of liberty n justice for ALL. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not parroting Russian talking points. Regardless, awesome ice cream metaphor, Antonia! I’ve used the following clip from the movie Thank You For Smoking to illustrate a similar point n the difference in the way Dems n Repub typically communicate. Fast fwd to the mini ice cream flavor debate between father n son. (hint: It’s about freedom!) https://youtu.be/xuaHRN7UhRo

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You make a good point. However… The gender identity part of your essay is suspect. And it’s a loser politically. Yes. Nonconforming people need to be honored and protected. But to bring the socially constructed and highly debatable concept of gender identity into classrooms full of young children, when they haven’t yet learned the biology of sex differences, is a very bad idea. It isn’t just that we’re handing a gift wrapped cudgel to Republicans to beat us up with. It’s that we have been sold a bill of goods by radical trans activists who are using intimidation and political blackmail to keep us in line with their agenda, and using children as pawns.

Do you know why there’s been a sudden spike in kids identifying as trans or non-binary in recent years? It’s the well funded trans propaganda, the fear among kids of being gay, the appeal to kids on the autistic spectrum, the intense peer pressure of social media and young people’s chat rooms, the epidemic of anxiety and depression that has swept into youth culture, and a lot more.

It’s time for progressives to wake up to reality. Think twice about parroting this new conventional wisdom. Really dig into the issues instead of accepting it uncritically. Face the facts of human biology, and face up to what’s really happening to children now, right in front of our noses. What most don’t realize is that we are once again being hoodwinked by wealthy people with an axe to grind. (Another example of Democrats being hoodwinked: the Democrats’ embrace of the education ideas of Bill Gates, a total ignoramus when it comes to schools, teaching, and learning, who paid something like 500 million dollars to own the education debate during the Obama years.) Look to the UK, Finland, and Sweden, who have turned against what is euphemistically referred to as “gender affirming care for children.” The outcomes of some of these radical interventions (that make a child a medical patient for life) are not good.

We’re living in a world of wishful thinking, even magical thinking. Don’t fall for it. Thousands of years ago, intersex and gender nonconforming children were not dosed with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones. And they should not be today. Nor should athletes who grew up male be allowed to compete against girls and women. Unless you want to give back all the Olympic medals won by the steroid-dosed East German swim team and reinstate their world records. Nobody with any sense would consider that fair. Why would we put today’s girls and women at a disadvantage to appease the transgender lobby?

Common sense will help us win elections, not gender theory.

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