Oh I love all these talking points! In particular, the one on social security, as they are not only robbing the seniors, but also workers and employers paying into the system! I’m hoping that one spurs more people into action. And now, off to protest in downtown Chicago!

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I think your fabulous. I am always particularly irked off (or outraged or whatever, pick your day) about the right's annoyingly, confoundingly efficient use of rhetoric. So glad I found you.

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Thank you. Great talking points.

One other thought ... instead of "billionaire" why not use Oligarch? (Isn't that the term gernerally used for Russian billionaires? why not associate the two?)

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Excellent question. Because more or less 100% of Americans understand what a billionaire is. I don't know what percentage know what an "oligarch" is but it's going to be considerably smaller. You always have to use the words that are familiar to people, or your words will not trigger any images or values in their brains!

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I like the question and the answer. TY

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I am Looking forward to being a part of our awakened consciousness in my days ahead. Learning better ways to communicate with everyone proactively.

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AARP: “Americans earned their Social Security through a lifetime of hard work with the promise that it will be there for them when they retire.”

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Wow - brilliant and clear and easy!! Thanks!!

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Your articles are brilliant, and so very useful. I am wondering if, instead of saying 'Trump/Musk want to do XYZ', we should name the Republican Party itself as part of that messaging? Or is the thinking that you might then alienate folks who strongly identify as Republican even if they dislike Trump?

Also, how do we get the DNC to hire you for some training!!

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I was working with Ken Martin when he was the Chair of the Association of State Democratic Committees, doing message training workshops for state parties. He has so much to do now as DNC Chair that I don't think he has time to promote them. I am working on various other options like doing the training with activist groups and/or doing it online. It would really help though if people contacted their local and state parties and urge them to bring in my workshop!

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We’re working on it…

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I absolutely recommend using the Republican Party instead of MAGA or Trump/Musk etc. We need to make the entire Republican party own the things that those people don't like.

Our message to those folks who strongly identify as Republican is that it's time to strongly reconsider their affiliation, and perhaps think about becoming Democrats.

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I’m speaking at a rally at my Republican congressman’s office on Friday (he has yet to schedule a town hall). I am definitely using some of these points!

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Bernie's Two Americas speech on fighting oligarch is (literally) right on the money. https://www.youtube.com/live/dRonB7Gsk9M?si=yvsKI-JJiASz7Ysa

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Thank you. I see that your perspectives are all based on individual rights, personal dignity and equal opportunity for all. There is no better way to make the abstract word 'democracy' real for everyday people.

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THIS, everyone. Social media is our blessing--let's use it like the warriors we are.

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Words matter! Thank you for the excellent advice on the language we use and how it impacts our message! I can’t help but think of Marshal McLuhan!

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