
Not trying to throw heat on the conversation but want to ask -- should we Dems just never engage on a discussion about any limits on abortion care? So many Americans who support Roe v. Wade and think that the decision got it "mostly right" by putting modest limits on accessing abortion care in third trimester b/c of the belief there's some point at which viability is in play (I know this does acknowledge the fetus) but if we refuse to engage on any limits at all, haven't we ceded to Republicans that we support abortion up until birth? Maybe so...but that feels risky.

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Please also include discussion points/language related to Republican efforts to restrict contraception. This should be directed to women and men as government intrusion on family planning. Also, if Republicans are anti-abortion, they should be pro-contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They are simply anti-woman.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Antonia Scatton

Iā€™m a retired Planned Parenthood RN & I totally agree with this. Thank you!!

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I love that you keep repeating the mantra about calling out ā€œwomenā€ instead of ā€œmothersā€ and not engaging with people about the right to life. Repeating the word abortion is very necessary to get our digs in, but so is abortion ā€œcareā€ which I will start using from now on. I do have one suggestion, however, and that is to include ā€œgirlsā€ in our discussions. To me, that seems to hit people a little more.

I have been a longtime fighter for womenā€™s rights, burned my bra, marched, was a volunteer for Planned Parenthood for many years, etc. I have also learned that when some people are ranting (about anything you donā€™t agree with), I look at them and say, ā€œI believe you feel that way.ā€. People will stop talking and that forces them to think. I then leave.

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Dear Antonia; thank you so very much for your help and understanding today. I truly enjoy your work and will always be a fan. Here is the quote by Molly Ivins. "So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrages, ridicule the fraidy-cars, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce." Molly Ivins. From my heart, that fits you perfectly. Thanks Luigi Brogna.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Antonia Scatton

Fabulous work

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